Monday, April 26, 2010

Review: CTRacer

Had been played this online racing game last year, I actually tried it first but then I got hooked up on the game, made me play it the whole day. It's a good online racing game, before I'm only using on-board (built-in) graphics card and the game just run smoothly and besides, it doesn't consumes lot of HD memory like other online racing games. I met lots of nice people in the game, I even met a GM whos' a fellow countrymen of mine. I also found new friends from the other country who also like cars in real life.

CTRacer Online, developed by Hyundai Digital Entertainment, published by Sega, and launched in India by Games2win, is India's first online community racing game.

Screenshots after the jump

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dead Fantasy singing Gee

Dead Fantasy female characters singing and dancing Gee of Girls' Generation (SNSD/So Nyeoh Shi Dae). I'm so surprised that Monty Oum turned these female fighting characters into dancing girls and sing Gee. The video was made well done, each character fits each member of the SNSD. Can't wait to see more from Monty. Thanks for the heads up JM!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kick Ass is Kick Ass!

The film Kick Ass was based on the comic book written by Mark Millar and illustrated by John Romita Jr. Directed by Matthew Vaughn, produced by Vaughn and actor Brad Pitt, script written by Vaughn and Jane Goldman.

The film tells the story of teenage Dave Lizewski who sets out to become a real life superhero only to get caught up in a bigger fight. He meets Big Daddy, a former cop who, in his quest to bring down an evil drug lord Frank D'Amico, has trained his eleven-year-old daughter to be the ruthless vigilante Hit-Girl.

Kick Ass is a great, funny film with some unexpected violence. It's not like
other superhero films that everyone would watch (not for kids!), because Kick Ass contains brutal violence, pervasive language, drug use, and some sexual content. I'm glad that I've watched it because I'm not a fan of reading comics. It's great for fanboys (and some fangirls too, Hit Girl FTW!!!) as well as the big fans of brutal-comedy movies like me. 4/5

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

f(x) is back with You Are My Destiny

f(x) has been missing from the K-Pop scene for the past few weeks and now they are back with a new MV teaser of You are my Destiny.

f(x) has released their first mini album, Chu~♡ last November and one of the songs featured on the album was the ballad, You Are My Destiny, a duet between members Krystal and Luna.

Since then, f(x) took a trip to Africa for the “2009 Kim Joong Man Africa Project” where they participated in numerous photoshoots for the project. A documentary on f(x)’s Africa trip will be featured in an episode of f(x)’s new series, Hello f(x), which will premiere on April 17th.

But now its been revealed that the girls also filmed a music video in Africa for their song You Are My Destiny. In the short clip, we catch a glimpse of the group’s experiences in Africa.

Source: affxtionate

iMapua Photography Contest

Illuminata Mapúa at Mapúa Institute of Technology - Makati invites all hobbyist and amateur photographers from Metro Manila's Colleges and Universities to join our Photo Contest entitled 
"Pamanang Aral ni Pepe: Buhay Rizal Interschool Photo Competition".

We will be accepting entries from April 26, 2010 to May 26, 2010
Please invite all your friends to join and win up to P30,000
Just capture photos from any of these themes:

1.Be Proud of the Filipino Race
2.Achieve your dreams and aspirations
3.Use your God-given talents
4.Live with honor and integrity
5.Have the passion to excel
6.Love and respect your parents

check out for the registration form and rules and mechanics.

Click it! Shock it! Like it! - Win Signed SOTNE or For Muzik

More pictures after the cut

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Toy Story 3 Clip - Day Care Tour

Just saw this latest Toy Story 3 video clip featuring the new toys. It seems that Andy donated his toys. While joining the other toys, they met Ken who toured them at his Sunnyside Day Care. The previous film they gave Mr. Potato a partner, Ms. Potato, I think this time they'll give Barbie a Ken.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

SM Cinema's Most Interactive Cinema Experience Ever

Good news movie-goers! SM Cinema will soon bring us movie fans the first and most interactive cinema experience ever in the Philippines. The interactive experience seems to involve something dynamic and playful, insinuating hand waving motions.

Together with the advent of 3D movies, efforts of creating unique encounters like the “interactive cinema experience” while watching in theatres is what makes cinemas still one of the best places for leisure. This project is to be launched late April at the Digital Theater of SM Megamall, in time for the series of blockbuster movies this summer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

RayCity OBT on 8th April

RayCity will have its OBT phase this April 8th 1500HRS(+8GMT). This game looks nice, and I'm really interested to try this one since I'm something a fan of racing games.

Some features of the game, different quests and missions like photo-taking, road-rage, and party missions. The playable game modes are Single Race, Team Race, and Guild. You can also pimp your ride by customizing it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife Trailer

I just finished re-watching Resident Evil Extinction when I saw this trailer online. I remembered Blade Trinity while watching this. I think this movie is less survival-horror than the previous RE films. Can't wait for the other trailers as well as the movie on September 10th

Watch the trailer

Sunday, April 4, 2010

[TUTORIAL] Find a picture from your PC

Earlier ago, mom asked me to give her the picture of cupcakes she asked me to shoot long ago. But I had so many files stored in my pc. Bunch of folders and pictures, and I don't have the patience to check the every folder. So I tried something, I searched for the date when I took the photo.

More after the cut...

Thursday, April 1, 2010